You've reached the Virginia Cooperative Extension Newsletter Archive. These files cover more than ten years of newsletters posted on our old website (through April/May 2009), and are provided for historical purposes only. As such, they may contain out-of-date references and broken links.

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Newsletter Archive index:

Virginia Cooperative Extension -
        Knowledge for the CommonWealth

Dates To Remember

Crop and Soil Environmental News, September 1996

Judy Keister,
Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences

9/17 - 9/19
Turf and Landscape Field Days, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg,

Mid-Sept. (TBA)
Peanut Variety Tour, Tidewater AREC, Suffolk,

Plant Disease Tour, Tidewater AREC, Suffolk,

Annual Field Day, Hampton Roads AREC, Virginia Beach,

Beef Field Day, Southwest Virginia AREC, Glade Spring,

5th Annual Thoroughbred Auction, Middleburg AREC, Middleburg,

Sheep Management Field Day, Southwest Virginia AREC, Glade Spring,


1/20 - 1/22
Virginia Turf and Landscape Conference and Trade Show, Richmond,

1/27 - 1/31
Turfgrass Ecology and Management Short Course, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg,

Tip Of The Month

Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.
Barry Switzer, Kansas City Times

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