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1997-98 Virginia Turfgrass Variety Recommendations
Crop and Soil Environmental News, May 1997
David R. Chalmers,
Extension Agronomist, Turf
The Maryland-Virginia Turfgrass Variety Recommendation Work group meets each Spring to consider the previous years data from Virginia and Maryland NTEP trials and to formulate the recommendations. To qualify for this recommended list, turfgrass varieties: 1) must be available as certified seed or in the case of vegetative varieties as certified sprigs or sod; 2) must be tested at sites in both Virginia and Maryland; 3) must perform well, relative to other varieties, for a minimum of two years to make the list as a "promising" variety and for three years to make the recommended category. All test locations in Virginia and Maryland are considered in making these recommendations. The Virginia Crop Improvement Association (VCIA) will accept the 1997-98 turfgrass mixtures listed below in the Virginia Sod Certification Program. All seed or vegetative material must be certified and meet minimum quality standards prescribed by the VCIA. Seed availability may vary between turf seed suppliers.
Kentucky Bluegrass - Individual varieties selected must make up not less than 10%, nor more than 35% of the total mixture on a weight basis. All varieties must be certified. Selections can be made from Category I alone or various combinations of Categories I, II and III as noted.
- Category I - Recommended Kentucky Bluegrass Varieties (65-100%)
- Abbey~, Alpine, Aspen, Baron, Blacksburg~, Cannon, Chateau, Classic*, Eagleton, Eclipse, Freedom, Georgetown*, Glade, Gnome, Julia, Kelly, Liberty*, Limousine, Livingston, Lofts 1757, Marquis, Merit, Midnight, Monopoly, NU-STAR, Preakness, Princeton 104, Raven, Shamrock, Touchdown, Unique, Viva, and Washington
- Category II - Special use varieties. If used, must contain at least 65% Category I varieties.
- Shade Tolerant (10-35%): Columbia*, Eclipse, Georgetown, Glade and Midnight
- Low Maintenance Tolerant (10-35%): Freedom, Livingston, Merit, Midnight, Monopoly, NU-STAR, Opal, and Washington
- Category III - Promising Kentucky Bluegrasses (10-35%) - Limited performance data or seed
availability. (H) refers to promising performance for medium to high maintenance; (L) refers to promising performance for low maintenance.
- Allure (H), Ascot (H), Barcelona (H), Barmax (H,L), Baronie (L), Caliber (L), Cardiff (H), Coventry (H), Crest (H), Dellwood (L), Estate (H), Eva (H), Fairfax (H), Fortuna (H), Haga (H,L), Notingham (H), Opti-Green (H), Platini (H), Rita (H), Sophia (L), SR 2000 (H), SR 2100 (H), and Voyager (L),
Tall Fescue - Recommended or promising varieties can be used in the Virginia Sod Certification Program.
- Category I - Recommended Tall Fescue Varieties (90-100%)
- Avanti*, Aztec~, Barlexas, Bonanza*, Bonanza II, Chieftan*, Cimmaron*, Coyote, Crossfire*, Crossfire II~ Debutante, Duke, Eldorado, Falcon II, Finelawn Petite, Finelawn 88*, Genesis, Guardian, Heritage, Jaguar 3, Lancer, Marksman, Minimustang, Montauk, Olympic II*, Pixie, Pyramid, Rebel 3D*, Rebel Jr, Safari, Shenandoah, SR 8200, SR 8300, Titan*~, Titan 2, Tomahawk, Trailblazer II, Tribute*, and Winchester*
- Category II - Promising tall fescue varieties (may be 90-100% of the mixture). These varieties, while performing well in research trials, may only have been tested for 2 years or there may be limited availability of certified seed.
- Adobe, Alamo, Apache II, Avalon, Bravo, Chieftan II, Duster, Gazelle, Generic, Grande, Houndog V, Micro DD, Mustang II, Palisades~, Rebel III, Renegade, Southern Choice, SR 8210, Starlet, Stetson, Sun Pro, Tarheel, Virtue and Wildcat
- Category III - Kentucky bluegrass varieties that may be mixed with tall fescue (may be 0-10% of the seed mixture).
- Allure, Barcelona, Baron, Caliber, Cannon, Chateau, Cheri, Classic, Columbia, Dawn, Eagleton, Eclipse, Fairfax, Freedom, Georgetown, Kelly, Liberty, Livingston, Lofts 1757, Marquis, Monopoly, Nassau, Preakness, Ram I~, Rugby, Shamrock, Sophia, SR 2000, Suffolk, Unique, Viva, Voyager and Washington
- Category I - Recommended bermudagrass varieties
- Midiron, Midlawn, Tifgreen#, Tifway#, Tifway II#, Tufcote and Vamont
- Category II - Promising bermudagrass varieties (Limited performance data or availability)
- Midfield and Quickstand
- Category I - Recommended zoysiagrass varieties: Belair, Emerald# and Meyer.
- Category II - Promising zoysiagrass varieties: Cavalier, Marquis, Omni and Sunburst.
Perennial Ryegrass (not for use in sod production) Use certified seed.
- Category I - Recommended perennial ryegrass varieties
- Affinity, APM~, Brightstar, Buccaneer, Caliente, Competitor, Cutter, Manhattan II, Navajo, Palmer II, Pennant*, Prelude II, Prizm, Repell II, Seville, Sherwood, SR 4200, Stallion Select and Yorktown III
- Category II - Promising perennial ryegrass varieties (limited data/availability):
- Accent, Achiever, Advent, Assure, Barrage++, Blazer III, Brightstar II, Caddy Shack, Calypso II, Catalina, Delaware Dwarf, Divine, Elf, Equal, Gettysburg, Greenland, Imagine, J-1706, Laredo, Legacy, Line Drive, Majesty, Manhattan 3, Morning Star, Palmer III, Panther, Passport, Pennant II, Pinnacle, Premier II, Riviera, Riviera II, Saturn II, Secretariat, Top Hat and Wind Star
Fine Fescues - For use in low maintenance areas or in heavy shade. Promising varieties have limited performance data or availability as certified seed. It is not recommended that varieties from the different fine fescues (ie; creeping red fescue, chewings fescue, hard fescue or sheep fescue) be mixed. These grasses are not recommended for use in sod production. Use only certified seed.
- Creeping red fescue - Recommended: Salem*~ and Shademaster*~. Promising: Flyer II and Shademaster II
- Chewings fescue - Recommended: Jamestown II, Longfellow*~, Proformer*, Shadow~, Southport*, SR 5000*~, Treazure and Victory. Promising: Banner II, Bridgeport, Brittanny, K-2, Sandpiper, Shadow II, SR 5100 and Tiffany,
Hard fescue - Recommended: Aurora, Nordic, Reliant*, Scaldis, Serra*, Spartan, SR 3000*~, SR 3100 and Warwick*~. Promising: Brigade, Discovery, Ecostar, Osprey, Pamela, and Reliant II
Sheep fescue - Recommended: Bighorn*~. Promising: MX 86 and Quatro.
* Varieties marked with the notation * will be considered for removal from these lists in 1998 due to declining performance or insufficient recent data relative to other varieties.
~ Varieties marked with the notation ~ will be considered for removal from these lists in 1998 due to seed availability problems and/or due to seed quality problems.
# Only recommended in Southeastern Virginia.
Virginia Cooperative Extension