You've reached the Virginia Cooperative Extension Newsletter Archive. These files cover more than ten years of newsletters posted on our old website (through April/May 2009), and are provided for historical purposes only. As such, they may contain out-of-date references and broken links.

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Virginia Cooperative Extension - Knowledge for the CommonWealth

2001 Milking Management and Mastitis Control Cow College

Dairy Pipeline: January 2001

Gerald M. (Jerry) Jones
Extension Dairy Scientist
Milk Quality & Milking Management

This year's Cow College will be held on February 21-22 on the Virginia Tech Campus. This program is intended for dairy herd milkers and owners/managers as well as industry. We will cover the basics including physiology of the udder, milk formation and let-down, proper milking procedures, relationship of milking systems, cow environment, design and maintenance of freestalls, development of mastitis emphasizing prevention, dry cow management, bred heifers, lactation and dry therapy, drug residue avoidance. Registration is $60 which does include lunch both days and breaks. Please register by February 12 (540-231-5782). Lodging is $69 per night (single or double) at the Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference Center 1-877-200-3360. Please call by January 21 to be assured of a room (you can always cancel if you change your mind). Contact your dairy extension agent or our web site for additional details.

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