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Progeny Tested AI Bulls are an Asset
Dairy Pipeline: April 2007
Bennet Cassell
Extension Dairy Scientist, Genetics & Management
(540) 231-4762;
Virginia dairy producers, through AI, have easy
and affordable access to the best genetics
available anywhere in the world. Ready access
brings an abundance of options, sales
promotions, do-it-this-way, no, do-it-that-way
advice that can minimize apparent value in
the minds of producers. But consider the alternative
of trying to find decent herd bulls,
control diseases, avoid big inbreeding problems,
and keep cows and heifers pregnant at
the same time. Progeny tested AI bulls are
readily available, known commodities with
more pedigree variety than can be found in
herd bulls. Producers benefit from twiceselected
AI bulls. Only the very best, most
current pedigrees ever enter the AI sampling
programs. There is no way individual farmers
can consistently match the pedigree merit of
young sires in the PT programs of major studs.
A few farmers might find flush-mate to AI
young sires for use as a herd bull every once
in a while, but there is no way to do that con-sistently. The proven bulls are the very best of
these top pedigreed youngsters – one in ten or
less meet proven bull requirements. Herd bulls
NEVER face that secondary selection – they’re
too old, ornery, and dangerous by that stage of
their lives and what are the choices in a single
herd anyway? We know SO much more about
proven AI bulls – production and conformation,
fertility of the bull and his daughters, survival,
somatic cell score and the ever important calving
difficulty and stillbirth data are all known to one
degree or another through progeny tests. Knowledge
isn’t perfect on any of these traits, but don’t
kid yourself. We know a great deal more from
progeny performance than pedigree information
can ever reveal. Progeny tested AI bulls are a
major resource for US dairy producers. Use them – all the time if you can.