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Dealing with Feed Shortages
VCE Agricultural and Applied Economics: Management and Production Economics December1995
by Henry Snodgrass
An unusually wet spring followed by a dry summer, has led to shortages of feed across parts of the state. If producers are concerned about the amount of feed they are going to need to get through the feeding season, they should inventory the feed on hand to determine the amount available. With this information and past years experiences, it is possible to estimate if the quantity of feed on hand will be sufficient. If the answer is no then there are some management practices for dealing with the problem. However, in certain situations purchased feed, although it may be expensive, is necessary.
Table 1. Daily Nutrient Requirements for Mature Beef Cows
Daily | Dry Matter | Digestible TDN |
Digestible Protein | Calcium | Phosphorus | Vitamin A |
lbs. per day | gm | IU | ||||
Dry* | 15-22 | 8-11 | 0.45-0.55 | 12 | 12 | 20,000 |
Dry** | 17-24 | 10-13 | 0.55-0.65 | 13 | 13 | 23,000 |
Nursing | 22-27 | 12-15 | 1.10-1.40 | 26 | 26 | 26,000 |
(NOTE: Requirements based on 1000 lb. cows, adjust upward for heavier weights.)
* Middle third of pregnancy
** Last third of pregnancy
There are many sources for additional TDN and/or protein available. Shop around and compare prices. Look at the cost per pound of TDN or cost per pound of the nutrient needed. Be conscious of quality, especially if buying hay. A ton of hay is not always a ton of hay.
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