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Implications of Increasing Cotton Acreage in Virginia: A
Case Study of Southampton County
Farm Management Update, April 1996
By Dixie Watts Reaves and Wes Alexander
In the previous issue, results of a Southampton County case study were presented in terms of producer justification for increasing cotton acreage. In this article, the implications of this increase will be presented in terms of the research and training needs identified by the respondents. At a time when higher education in general, and Cooperative Extension in particular, are trying to operate with a shrinking financial resource base, knowledge of producers' perceived research and training needs can assist in the allocation of scarce resources to competing educational needs.
In the national cotton picture, Virginia's role remains a small one. In 1994, Virginia ranked 15th out of 17 cotton producing states, contributing just 0.42 percent of the nation's cotton (VASS,1995). Even so, cotton has become a critically important agricultural commodity to the Commonwealth and the dramatic increase in production has repercussions both for Virginia producers and for the system attempting to support those producers.
In a Southampton County case study of 77 cotton producers, respondents were asked to identify their primary information sources and their most pressing research and training needs. The results are summarized below.
Producers were given the opportunity to check all sources that they utilized for planning and developing cotton farming activities. Table 1 lists the percentage of producers stating each source. It is interesting to note that the faculty and staff at North Carolina State University have been utilized more than those at Virginia Tech. However, North Carolina has more of a history of cotton production than does Virginia. Furthermore, Southeastern Virginia is geographically closer to N.C. State than to Virginia Tech.
The gin plays a valuable role to respondents in terms of providing
marketing information. Producers were asked to check all sources of
marketing information that they utilized. Eighty-two percent utilize
employees of their gin, 56% their extension agent, 45% other farmers,
40% Cotton Council publications, 28% N.C. State specialists, and 27%
Virginia Tech specialists. Generally, producers were fairly satisfied with
the services provided by their gins. When asked if they were satisfied
with the timing of module pick-up, 56% said yes. Fifty-two percent were
satisfied with the timing of their ginning, while 56% were satisfied with
the timing of receipt of sample test/grade results. On a scale of 1 to 4,
with 1 being poor and 4 being excellent, gins ranked highest in the
services of module provision and educational programs. They ranked
lowest in seed sales. Over half of the respondents had no suggestions for
improved services by their gin. Of those with suggestions for
improvement, faster settlement, faster module pick-up, faster ginning, and
better handling (less cotton left in the field) were the most common
suggestions for improvement.
Producers were asked if financial stress was a factor in their decision to
start growing cotton. Thirty-six percent said that financial stress was not
a factor, while 46% said it was somewhat of a factor, and 19% said it was
a major factor. Fifty-three percent of respondents obtained a loan to help
them establish their cotton farming activities.
Fifty-nine percent of respondents reported that they farmed with someone
else, either in a partnership or a corporation. Father/son partnerships
were common, as were partnerships between brothers. Thirty-seven
percent own a cotton picker, either alone (30%) or with someone else
(7%). Of those who do not own a picker, 70% have been satisfied with
the timing of their cotton harvest, although getting cotton picked in a
timely manner was one of the problem areas stated by producers.
When asked what types of cotton research they would be most interested
in, respondents gave the highest rankings to new herbicides, new
insecticides, and management and marketing research. They were less
interested in new varieties and no-till cotton. In terms of training needs,
producers were most interested in management and marketing educational
programs, scouting, and updates on the cotton program. Ninety percent
of producers conduct scouting activities, with sixty percent of those hiring
someone to do the scouting. Respondents were less interested in product
and variety updates and programs to assist in understanding gin sheets.
Twenty-six percent stated that they had a full understanding of their gin
contract, while 52% had a fairly good understanding. Fourteen percent
found parts of their contract confusing.
When given an open-ended question about the most critical problems they
had faced in their cotton farming activities, the most frequent response was
timing of harvest. Many also stated that the timing of many cotton
activities coincided exactly with peanut farming activities, thus causing
time-management problems. Weeds and grass were commonly stated
problems. Weather was considered to be a critical problem. The need for
direct sprays and the timing of plant growth regulators and defoliants were
also considered to be critical problems. Given the opportunity to choose
three factors that are critical to the success of cotton farming operations,
marketing and production skills were the most important factors. Table
2 gives the six most common responses.
Producers have expressed areas that they would like to see cotton research
conducted: herbicides, insecticides, and management and marketing.
They have identified other problem areas in terms of the timing of the
application of plant growth regulators and defoliants, and the timing of
harvest. Virginia's producers have turned to North Carolina State
University specialists for expertise in the past, more so than to Virginia
Tech specialists. Virginia producers have made a commitment to cotton,
and it certainly has implications for the demands made on the existing
support system for agriculture in the Commonwealth. While there are a
number of individual research and extension personnel who have
committed to supporting the cotton industry, Virginia's land grant
institution must decide if it will make a commitment to provide a larger
share of resources to address the concerns of this growing agricultural
industry in Virginia.
Virginia Agricultural Statistics Service. 1995. Virginia Agricultural
Statistics, 1994 Annual Bulletin.
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Percentage utilizing the source Other cotton farmers 75 Cotton gin employees 60 Extension agent 55 Paid consultant 36 Magazines 34 North Carolina State University faculty/staff 33 Virginia Tech faculty/staff 19 Other people in the business 19 Cotton Council activities 15 Table 2: Factors that determine the success of cotton farming activities
Percent of respondents choosing the factor Marketing skills 58 Production skills 43 Land quality 39 Business management skills 35 Location of the market 35 Financial resources 32