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Virginia Cooperative Extension -
        Knowledge for the CommonWealth

Farm Management Update, October 1996

Virginia Farmers Adjusting to the 1996 Farm Bill:
A Conference to Help Virginia Farmers Manage Market Risk and Plan for the Future Under the 1996 Farm Bill

Karen Mundy

The Rural Economic Analysis Program along with Colonial Farm Credit, ACA, Virginia Agribusiness Council, Virginia Cattlemen's Association, Virginia Farm Bureau Federation, and Virginia State Dairymen's Association are sponsoring this conference. It will be held November 15, 1996 at the Williamsburg Marriott, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Brochures, which include a registration form, will be mailed to Extension offices about October 15. Please encourage local producers to attend. It is FREE, but they must register by November 8 so that we can give the Marriott a head count for lunch. People interested in attending can do so by completing the form and returning it to the REAP office, by calling, by emailing the information to the REAP office (, or by faxing the information to REAP.


1996 Farm Bill: A World View looks at the future price and trade patterns in a global market. Emphasis is on how prices, world trade, and the impact of growing world demand will affect Virginia farmers.

1996 Farm Bill: A Virginia View considers the implications for Virginia producers striving to make profitable marketing decisions in the short run, arrive at informed capital investment decisions, and respond to changing technologies and market opportunities in the long run as a result of changes in local and global economies.

Rural Development and What It Means to Your Community focuses on the potential impacts of the 1996 Farm Bill for rural Virginia and how these impacts will affect farmers and other rural residents.

The commodity sessions examine the potential price impacts of the 1996 Farm Bill and outline ways of coping with the increased market risk.

Virginia Tech's Role: Helping Farmers Adjust is a wrap-up of all the sessions and a look to the future.

Biographical Information

Ron Trostle, Chief of Trade Analysis Branch, USDA, analyzes developments in world agricultural markets and their impact on U. S. agriculture. He coordinates USDA's international agricultural long-term projections and analyzes long-term prospects for food aid needs and availability.

Louis Swanson, professor of Sociology, focuses on agricultural, environmental, and development policy in his research. He was a Resident Scholar with the National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy at Resources for the Future. He is the current Director of the Rural Policy Research Institute's Rural Communities Project and a member of its Rural Policy Panel.

9:00-9:45 Registration, Lobby. Name tags serve as meal tickets.
9:45-10:00 Introduction
C. Clark Jones, Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension
10:00-11:00 1996 Farm Bill: A World View
Ron Trostle, ERS, USDA
11:00-12:00 1996 Farm Bill: A Virginia View
James Pease, Virginia Tech
12:00-1:15 Lunch
Rural Development in the 1996 Farm Bill: What It Means to Your Farming Community
Louis Swanson, University of Kentucky
1:30-2:15 1996 Farm Bill: Planning and Marketing Grains and Oilseeds
David Kenyon, Virginia Tech
2:30-3:15 Concurrent sessions:

1996 Farm Bill: Planning and Marketing Livestock and Dairy
Wayne Purcell, Virginia Tech

1996 Farm Bill: Planning and Marketing Cotton, Peanuts, and Tobacco
Dixie Reaves, Virginia Tech

3:30-4:00 Virginia Tech's Role: Helping Farmers Adjust to the 1996 Farm Bill
Lester Myers, Head, Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech

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