You've reached the Virginia Cooperative Extension Newsletter Archive. These files cover more than ten years of newsletters posted on our old website (through April/May 2009), and are provided for historical purposes only. As such, they may contain out-of-date references and broken links.

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Newsletter Archive index:

Virginia Cooperative Extension -
 Knowledge for the CommonWealth

Dates to Remember

Livestock Update, January 1998


19 - 21 -- Virginia Beef Industry Convention. Contact: Reggie Reynolds, (540) 992-1009

15 -- Southwest Bull Test Station Open House, Wytheville. Contact: Ike Eller

28 -- Virginia BCIA Wytheville Bull Sale, Wytheville. Contact: Ike Eller

10 -- Virginia BCIA Culpeper Junior Bull Sale, Culpeper. Contact: Ike Eller

23 - 25 -- Virginia Beef Expo, Harrisonburg. Contact: Bill McKinnon

30 - 7/3 -- BIF Convention, Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Ike Eller


6 - 7 -- Virginia Tech Livestock and Poultry Youth Weekend, Blacksburg. Contact: Mark Wahlberg, (540) 231-9161

20 - 21 -- Block & Bridle Club Stockmens, Meats, and Livestock Judging Contests, Blacksburg. Contact: Mark Wahlberg, (540) 231-9161

2 - 3 -- Virginia Junior Beef Roundup, Harrisonburg. Contact: Mark Wahlberg, (540) 231-9161


21 -- Northern Virginia 4-H Poultry Judging Qualifying Event, Frying Pan Park, Fairfax County. Contact: Ann Marlow, Fairfax County Extension office, or phone (703) 324-5343.

28 -- Pullorum Testing Certification / Recertification Clinic. Harrisonburg State Diagnostic Laboratory, 116 Reservoir Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801. Contact: Dr. Gabe Meza at (540) 434-3897 or the address listed above.

4 -- Pullorum Testing Certification / Recertification Clinic, Harrisonburg State Diagnostic Laboratory, 116 Reservoir Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801. Contact: Dr. Gabe Meza at (540) 434-3897 or the address listed above.

14 - 15 -- Rockingham Poultry Serviceman's Committee/Virginia Cooperative Extension Health and Management Seminar, Holiday Inn Tanglewood, Roanoke. Contact: Paul Ruszler, Animal and Poultry Sciences Department, Virginia Tech (0306), Blacksburg, VA 24061.

25 -- Blue Ridge Poultry Club Spring Show. Fairview Ruritan Building, Fairview. Contact: Roger Jones, Rt. 4, Box 294, Galax, VA 24333.

8 -- Virginia Poultry Federation Youth Convention and State 4-H Poultry Judging Contest, Rockingham County Fairgrounds. Contact: Phillip J. Clauer, (540)231-9185.


28 -- Virginia Commercial Bred Ewe and Ram Sale, New River Valley Fairgrounds, 10 am, Dublin. Contact: Richard White, (540) 980-7761

28 - 29 -- Beginners' Sheep Shearing School, Southwest Virginia AREC, Glade Spring. Contact: Bill McKinnon

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