American Saddlebred | a breed developed in the United States (Kentucky) that can be three or five gaited (to also include the slow-gait and rack) that is known for its presence and spirit and elevated action on the move used primarily as a saddleseat show horse |
Appaloosa | a spotted breed of horse that originated in the United States and is used for english and western riding, pleasure and show riding and is known for its beautiful patterns, striped hooves, mottled skin, and prominent white around the eye |
Arabian | a hot blooded, light horse known for its refinement, elegance, and exotic way of going that originated in the Middle East and is used in pleasure, showing, and endurance riding |
Bald Face |
has white over most of the face, including nostrils and
Bay |
a brown horse with black points
Black |
black body color
Blanket | a spotting pattern of the Appaloosa in which a large area over the horse's croup, loin, and/or back is white possibly with the spots and the rest of the body is a dark color |
Blaze |
a wide white strip down the face
Blemish |
a mark or deformity which is unsightly but causes no harm
or unsoundnes to the horse
Blinders |
small pieces of leather that are attached to the bridle
to disable a horse from seeing behind themselves without getting close
to the eye or limiting other vision
Breed |
a grouping of horses with similar characteristics due
to being selectively bred
Body Brush |
a large oval shaped brush with a hand support strap which
is used to remove dirt, dust, and dandtuff from the horse's coat; the
length of the bristles determines the stiffness of the brush
Bridle |
headgear with which a horse is controlled by its rider
Broken |
a term used to indicate that a young horse has been trained
to accept saddle and rider
Brown |
a horse with a brown body color and brown points, may
be light or dark
Buckskin |
a horse with a brownish yellow body color with black points
and a dorsal stripe
Canter |
a rhythmic, three beat gait also
known as the lope in western disciplines
Carriage |
a vehicle that is pulled by a horse to transport the driver
and possibly other passengers
Chestnut |
a horse with a reddish-brown coat color, also known as
a sorrel
Cinch |
a piece of tack which holds a western
saddle in place attaching to the latigos and dee rings on either side
and running under the heartgirth; may be made of nylon, webbing, leather,
or other man-made materials
Class |
a grouping of horse show involving horses with riders
or shown at hand that perform according to the class specifications as
described in the rulebook of that show
Colt |
a male horse under three years of age
Concentrates |
feeds which are low in fiber and high in total digestible
Conformation |
a physical shape or build of a horse
Cooling out |
cooling down a heated horse by walking, brushing, giving
very small drinks of water, and sponging him off after he has been worked
Curry Comb |
a round rubber utensil used in a circular motion to remove
caked on mud and improve circulation
Dam |
female parent of a horse
Dandy Brush |
a brush with short, stiff bristles used only to remove
caked on mud
Direct Reining |
controlling a horse by pulling directly on the reigns
with one hand on each rein
Driving |
a discipline in which a horse or horses pull a vehicle
such as a carriage, cart, or wagon
Dun |
a horse with a charcoal-brown coat color with black points
and a dorsal stripe
English Pleasure | a saddleseat class judged on manners, performance, attitude, and quality of the horse |
Equitation | a class judged solely on the rider's position, effectiveness, and style |
Farrier |
a trained professional who can trim a shoe or a horse's
Filly |
a female horse under one year of age
Foal |
a horse under one year of age
Forages |
feeds high in fiber and low in total digestible
Gaits |
different footfall patterns of a horse performed at different
speeds and rhythms
Gallop |
a fast four beat gait
Gelding |
a castrated male horse
Girth |
a piece of tack which holds an english saddle in place
by attaching to the billets on either side of the saddle and running under
the heartgirth of the horse; may be made of leather, nylon, webbing, or
other man-made materials
Gray |
a horse with a gray or white coat color that may have
been born another solid color and fades to more white throughout its life
Grooming |
the process of cleaning and caring for a horse's skin
and coat, including currying, brushing, and cleaning of the feet
Halt |
when the horse is at a standstill
Hand Gallop |
an extension of the canter
Hands |
a measurement unit used to indicate a horse's height at
its withers; a hand equals 4 inches, thus a horse 48" will be 12
hands tall
the part of the halter or bridle
which goes over the head behind the ears
Hoof Pick |
metal pick used to remove debris from the hoof
Horsemanship |
a western class designed to evaluate the rider's ability
to execute, in concert with the horse, a set of maneuvers prescribed by
the judge with precision and confidence while maintaining a correct body
Hunters |
horses that are used in over fences classes and fox hunting
Hunt Seat |
an english discipline which includes riding on the flat
and over fences to demonstrate suitability to the hunt field
Indirect Reigning |
(neck reigning) a reigning system in which the horse responds
by moving away from the rein pressure on its neck in whihch both reins
are held in the same hand
in a ring, the side of the horse closer to the center
of the ring
Jog | |
Lead |
to walk beside a horse, guiding it as to where to go
Leadrope |
a rope which attaches to the halter that is used to lead
a horse with
Leopard | a rope which attaches to the halter that is used to lead a tie a horse with |
Line-Up |
a command used in the show ring for riders to come to
the center of the ring and form a line
Lope | |
used to comb tangles out of the mane and tail
Mare |
a mature female horse
Near-side |
a horse's left side which is the side they are usually
handled on
Off-side |
the right side of the horse
Outside |
when riding in a ring, the side closest to the rail or
fence of the ring
Overo | a paint color pattern in which white extends horizontally from the legs and belly toward the rump and the horse has white on the face and dark legs |
Pace |
a lateral two beat gait mostly performed
by gaited horses
Paint/Pinto |
a horse which is black/brown/chestnut and white in an
irregularly spotted pattern
a horse with a golden yellow coat color and a white mane
and tail
Plantation Pleasure | an English class judged on manners and way of going to include Tennessee Walking Horses, which will show at the flat walk, running walk, and canter |
Pleasure Driving |
a class of horses pulling carts which is judged on manners
and way of going
Quarter Horse | a versatile breed which originated in the Unites States and is used in all disciplines of riding, driving, and working cattle and is known for its volume of muscling and expressive head |
Ration |
the entire feed regimen a horse receives in a day
Registered Name |
a name given to a horse for its breed registry to record
the pedigree of that horse and preserve the integrity and history of the
Rein back |
when a horse moves backward with the hooves being set
down almost simultaneously in diagonal pairs
Reverse |
a command used in the show ring to indicate a change of
Roan |
a horse with a mixture of white and colored hairs throughout
its coat
Romal |
a length of braided rawhide attached to the end of connected
Saddle Seat |
a discipline of riding which is typically used for breeds
that show with high knee and hock action and a very flashy, animated way
of going
Showmanship |
a class at a horse show judged on the exhibiters ability
to fit (prepare) and show a horse at halter being poised and confident
while leading a well-groomed and conditioned horse through a precise pattern
Sire |
the male parent of a horse
Snip |
the small area of white on the muzzle
Sock |
white on the leg up to the middle of the cannon bone
Split Reins |
reins with unconnected ends
Stallion |
(stud) intact male horse
Star |
a small area of white on the forehead
Stocking |
white on the leg from hoof to hock or knee, covering the
entire cannon bone
a long thin band of white from forehead to muzzle in the
center of the face
Tack |
a term used to describe all the equipment that is used
or put on a horse to ride or drive
Tennessee Walking Horse | a very docile breed which originated in the Unites States (Tennessee) to be used under saddle that is known for its comfortable gaits and high, animated way of going |
Thoroughbred | a breed which originated in England with its primary use in racing but is also used for riding, competing, and pleasure, known for its stamina, power, and speed |
Tobiano | a paint pattern in which the horse has white across the topline which extends downward, white legs, and a dark head |
the sum of the digestible components of feed: protein,
carbohydrates , and fats
Trot |
an english two beat diagonal gait also known as the western
Veterinarian |
a trained professional who diagnoses and treats animals'
illnesses and injuries
Walk |
a slow four beat gait
Warming - up |
the process of going through the gaits while performing
suppling exercises to limber up both horse and rider in the beginning
of a workout
Water Brush |
a narrow brush with tapered ends and long, soft bristles
which is used to clean sensitive and difficult areas such as the face,
ears, and legs
Weanling |
a young horse which has been seperated from its mother,
or weaned
Welsh Pony | a versatile, high quality pony used riding, driving, hunting, and work that originated in Wales |
Western Pleasure | |
White |
a horse with a white coat color and pink skin that was
born white and remains white for its entire life
Yearling |
a horse that is one year old